A downloadable game

For now, here is the download link:

This game is a top-down, hack and slash rogue-like.

Made in 4 weeks for the first EJVM Spring Jam.
The theme was "Broken".

Gameplay notes-

Hitting enemies regenerate your health.                                                                                       Hitting enemies regenerate your mana.


You play as a fierce warrior who slays all with his mighty blade. Every monster in his path perishes before him. One day, the warrior decided to take on the unrivaled Forge King, ready to end its frightful reign. Unfortunately for him, the swordsman was quickly brought back to reality. The King triumphed over the man, leaving him shameful. For the first time, the warrior tasted defeat. Not only that, but his dearest blade was shattered before him by his opponent, leaving only a bit more than the hilt. To disgrace him even more, the Forge King let the warrior live, now only a shadow of the hero he was. Now only a shell of who he was without his mighty blade, the man sought to rebuild his sword into an even stronger weapon, in hopes to slay his arch nemesis once and for all.

Made by-

David Lessard - Programming
Samuel Racine - Programming
Mathis Richard - Technical Level Design / Programming
Gabriel Bilodeau - Level Design

Special thanks to-
Edmond Lajeunesse - Main Menu Art

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